
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Astounding Birds Photography by Jay D

Birds Photography by Jay D

Bird photograph is one of the best popular aspects of animal photography. It’s a challenging work for a photographer to capture bird photography in wild. Bird photography can come in many forms, from setting up bird feeders in your garden, to making a purpose-built hide to photograph species in the wild. So we are featuring a showcase of 30 awesome examples of Birds photography by Jay D.

Wise Eyes

Portrait of a Cockatoo

Beautifully Colored Bird

"OK, now everyone smile !"


Portrait of a Duck

A Finch in the Pines

Gulls in Flight

Boat-billed Heron

Portrait of a Gull

Pair of Ospreys

Red-winged Blackbird


Robin on a Cat Statue


Blue Jay on Snow

Female Brown-headed Cowbird

Blue Jay


Gull on the Rocks

Pair of Blue Jays on Snow

Gull Atop the Flagpole


Birds Photography

Pair of Harlequin Ducks

Northern Rosella

Scarlet Ibis

Handsome Bird


Picture Credit:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent shots and wonderful pictures. Awesome photography!!!

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